
Reliability and operating safety are the foundation of Danilift

As our client, you can trust that we are experts at what we do, and you can rely on us to offer the best products in the business. Reliability and operating safety are core values at Danilift A/S. 

The first prerequisite for living up to this is choosing the best materials and suppliers. 

This prerequisite is accomplished through our cooperation with Rosenbauer and Palfinger Platforms. 

Competent and up-to-date staff

The second prerequisite is ensuring that the staff at Danilift A/S have the basic skills required for making quality workmanship. 

This is accomplished by means of Danilift's training programme. The programme ensures that all members of staff are kept up to date on the latest knowledge in the field, and it has been adapted to develop and strengthen the competences of each indiviual employee. 

Servicing engineers all over Denmark

The third prerequisite is to have wide-ranging service solutions, so when accidents happen, the client is never far from a helping hand. 

This perhaps most important prerequisite is accomplished through the fact that in Denmark alone we have two service departments, in Farsø and Ringsted respectively, and five service vehicles with servicing engineers who are ready to set out on the road every day.

Maintenance outside of Denmark

In the rest of Scandinavia, servicing and maintenance are ensured through a quality assurance programme, which has been agreed by Danilift and the importers in the individual countries. 

All these prerequisites are accomplished by Danilift, or in close cooperation with dealers and importers.  
